396 Fore St
Portland, ME 04101

Hello Newman is “That ’90s Band” you vaguely remember from your best nights out in Maine. Having played over 1000 shows, more than half of which were at Bull Feeney’s (R.I.P.!) in Portland’s Old Port, Jim, Derek & the guys have refined a quintessentially ’90s-Rock live show that is second to no other in the Northeast. Their repertoire has been carefully curated through the years, 15 and counting to be exact, thanks to the energy displayed by the band’s organically grown and extremely enthusiastic fanbase, known affectionately as “Newmanators”.
Simply put, Hello Newman will rock your socks off, take you out, ship you up to Boston, thump your tub and leave you in the middle of your semi-charmed life with your own worst enemy wondering, “Wait.. what’s my again?” Always worth the price of admission, even if you have to walk 500 miles.