BamBam offers gluten-free baked goods for the discerning palate. All of our goods are made from scratch, are gluten-free, and we think you will find they taste better than their conventional counterparts. Our favorite treats are always available, but we are constantly dreaming up new delights, so our menu changes with some frequency. Let us know which goodies are your favorites.
Our store has a full range of gluten-free goodies, but if you need something special, we can do that too. Many of the items we make can be altered to accommodate special dietary needs. We can add or remove specific flavorings, colors, eggs and sometimes other ingredients too… Whatever it takes to make great tasting goodness. Stop by or give us a call to find out if we can make that special treat you’ve been dreaming of! We might even add it to our regular menu. BamBam goodies have been found in some other stores and restaurants for some time now, but keep your eyes open for them in a growing number of spots in southern Maine!
Why Gluten-free? Glutens are common in many of the foods we eat and affect everyone differently. People with Celiac disease cannot eat glutens at all, while others find that glutens make them feel less than awesome. We decided to do something about that. Using select ingredients, we’ve removed the gluten and created some of the most delicious treats that still have that taste and texture that you have always loved. Research has shown that removing gluten from one’s diet can help reduce the impact of a variety of conditions including poor digestion, ADD/ADHD, cancer, and even autism. For most, it simply will allow the healthy foods you eat to work better in your body, and make you feel better!