For full listings of what’s going on all week in the Old Port, be sure to visit our Events page.
Friday, August 21: The Bissell Brothers will be releasing their latest creation, SEED, on Friday, August 21, at The Thirsty Pig. SEED the Germination Party will feature the Bissells’ new ale brewed with Maine strawberries and raspberries from the Bradbury Mountain Berry Farm. Baby J will be spinning classic hip hop and R & B on the patio from 7-11 pm and there will be some dinner pairings created to complement the fruity flavors of SEED. 7 pm, The Thirsty Pig, 37 Exchange Street, Portland. Pay as you go.
Lyle Divinsky will be debuting his new album, Uneven Floors, with an album release party at Portland House of Music and Events. Lyle will be bringing together his 20-piece Soulchestra, comprised of some of the best musicians from Maine, New York, and the world, to celebrate the release, along with special guests the Nat Osborn Band. Tickets are $12 in advance, and $15 at the door. 9 pm, Portland House of Music and Events, 25 Temple Street, Portland.
Saturday, August 22: For you art lovahs out there, get yourself down to Congress Street for the 50th annual WCSH 6 Sidewalk Art Festival. The festival will run from 9 am to 4 pm on Congress Street, and will stretch from Congress Square to Monument Square. Congress Street will also be closed, so you can meander through the artists’ stalls and mingle with fellow art fans without fear of getting run over. Get out and support our local artists! Free, pay as you go for art.
After you’ve hung up your new painting at home, cha-cha-cha your way over to Congress Square Park for the PM Salsa in the Park. This event is for dancers of all levels, from beginners, to salsa kings and queens. A lesson for beginners will run from 6-6:30 pm, followed by live music from Primo Cubano from 6:30-8:00 pm. Congress Square Park, Portland, free.
Sunday, August 23: Celebrate our furry friends at Pet Rock in the Park 2015 from 11am to 4pm in Deering Oaks Park in Portland. This ode to animals will include animal demonstrations, food and product vendors, and animal shelter and rescue organizations. Live music will be provided by Hello Newman, The Substitutes and The Time Pilots. Admission is free.
One sure sign summer is sadly winding down is the start time for the Sunday night movie screening in Congress Square Park. Back on July 5 the movie got going at 8:30 pm. In contrast, tonight’s screening of the Disney classic Peter Pan will be at 7:15 pm. Sniff. So get out there and relive Wendy’s adventures with Peter Pan in Neverland, and celebrate these last precious few days of summer! Congress Square Park, free.